Saturday, December 10, 2016

Travel to Egypt with best price and cheaper than any time

Egypt remains the home of the first tourism, and dream that entices lovers of travel, they are competing with more beauty and mythical beauty Cleopatra, unchallenged by her rhetoric and writings of poets and philosophers who sing the glories and stories from old & new no matter how bad the conditions and circumstances have changed.

Travel to Egypt

Egypt has all the ingredients for the perfect tourist destination, diverse mild makes it suitable for the holidays, most of the time, as it embraces the vast wealth of historical sights and scenery and modern entertainment in addition to various hotels, making it convenient for individuals and families alike, make this valuable information into account when planning your next trip to the "mother of the world", and followed months of 20 tourist city in Egypt.

What's the weather like in Egypt 

It is said that the secret to a happy holiday, beautiful weather and Hurghada and Sharm el Sheikh features a mild climate in winter and hot in summer, one notices the diversity and variability in Hurghada more areas of Sharm el Sheikh, El Gouna inflight wemkadi any feature of moderation and kindness even in the hot summer months, while Melbourne is ideal for vacations over Hurghada in the cooler months like December so it keeps the temperature at an acceptable rate makes it more suitable for summer and winter holidays.

Travel to Egypt

Sandy beaches or reefs?
The beaches of Hurghada and Sharm el Sheikh diving

Represent Hurghada and Sharm el Sheikh dreamy destination, ideal for sea lovers and certainly the beaches, are the pride of coastal tourism, although they serve the visitor breathtaking views and scenery but each special in 
Hurghada beauty of Rabbani, Queen of soft sandy beaches stretching for dozens of kilometers, and the most luxurious modern hotels and resorts in Hurghada, and most famously "Makadi Bay and the beaches of gfton Islands which described as one of the most beautiful beaches of the world, where the turquoise waters and palm trees, shiny, shallow, doesn't mean it's not suitable for water sports but can dive But after several meters aboard the boats into the sea, and can practice diving and windsurfing and others.

If the important goal of the trip was to dive and enjoy deep sea rare landscapes here stands Sharm el Sheikh in front unchallenged, has won the "blue hole" near Dahab center stage as the best place for diving in the world, even the most rocky shores of Sharm el-Sheikh, where the beautiful coral reefs close to the beach making it ideal for sports than for swimming, it is suitable also for windsurfing, boating, sailing, windsurfing and other sea sports.

Travel to Egypt

No doubt that Sydney has the fanciest hotels and tourist resorts in Egypt, and this clearly shows the cost of high hotel reservations Hurghada, is the cost of misplaced, Sharm el Sheikh hotels differ from anywhere, where luxury and pomp and Royal atmosphere which does not leave the same visitor no criticism or objection, the blessing, beach hotels are the most important names here, where clean pools and Spa centres and therapeutic massage which takes the guest to the world of perfect relaxation, no wonder that Sharm el Sheikh destinations granulocytes Tourists from all over the world due to the global nature of service and treatment and competition.

This does not mean that Hurghada inferior to her sister, but the eastern coastal city boasts dozens of luxury tourism projects created in order to increase its lustre and value in the world of tourism, such as the "Sahl hasheesh" built on the latest architectural style, with facilities to create global integrated tourist city for visitors, as well as resorts and hotels in Makadi Bay Soma Bay, El Gouna and other tourist areas gleaming in the sky of Hurghada, and beat the huge nature hotels guest sings integrated go to other websites for entertainment, as It's perfect and spacious for families and children with relatively lower cost of Sharm el Sheikh.

What to do in Hurghada and Sharm el Sheikh?

Travel to Egypt

Not only have fun in these two cities on swimming, diving and beaches, but each city "agenda", especially in entertainment and pleasure, and arguably the most appropriate for Hurghada safaris to Nile River attractions and landmarks, such as visiting the famous temples at Thebes which is over 3 hours from Hurghada, Egypt trips closer to home is also a paradise for practitioners of golf due to the many golf courses designed and fitted to the newest model, like playgrounds Sahl hasheesh Soma Bay.

While offering a great variety of Sharm el-Sheikh on Safari to explore the rich desert oases and surroundings, where you can make trips to Dahab and Taba and Nuweiba located close to Melbourne, and the trip to the monastery of St Catherine "or quad bike trip on the colored Canyon" camping in "green oasis" of the most beautiful tourist experiences that can be enjoyed in this area.

Booking in this safe site here  

Travel to Egypt

Travel to Egypt

Travel to Egypt

Travel to Egypt

Travel to Egypt

Travel to Egypt

Travel to Egypt


Travel to Egypt


  1. Egypt photo and facts report
    My trip for Tourism In Egypt was a journey full of excitement and fun in which we visited many tourist places such as the charitable archways and Al-Hussein area and we enjoyed the charming beaches of Hurghada, then we went to a magical tour on the land of civilization Luxor, which includes a third of the world's monuments, we visited there the Nubian Village and the King Farouk Palace and the Temple Philae, Karnak, and the Valley of the Kings and we enjoyed a tour inside the ram road and other tourist places that we will address in some detail.

    Cairo Tourism is one of the most important cities and it is the capital of the state of Egypt and there are many museums and tourist places and it is close to Giza that contains the pyramids and contains many tourism, recreational, cultural and historical places that are distinguished by their traditional ambiance and beautiful nightlife and there is a corniche and cafes full Visitors and tourists enjoy a lot of this popular atmosphere and see the beautiful Nile at evening. The tourist city of Cairo also includes the most important hotels and prices appropriate for all visitors and tourists.

    Alexandria Tourism is the second capital of Egypt, and it is one of the most important cities where they call it the bride of the Mediterranean, as it contains many tourist places and the wonderful sea and there are beautiful Alexandria ports and wonderful and attractive attractions, it is the second city after Cairo in terms of population, but Alexandria is characterized by the wonderful sea, it is a wonderful tourism city. You can enjoy shopping in Alexandria and visit the most beautiful fish restaurants in the bride of the Mediterranean. Alexandria.

    Sharm ElSheikh Tourism is considered one of the best and most famous and wonderful cities and entertainment where there are many beautiful and international resorts that provide everything that visitors and tourists need with fast and excellent service and is considered one of the most important spots in the world for scuba diving and many other wonderful sports as it contains The city of Sharm El-Sheikh is on a beautiful desert that is visited by many tourists, and there are popular and international markets, luxury hotels, and various eastern and western cafes where tourists and couples prefer it for spending their honeymoon.


  2. نوافذ شتر

    استهلاك أقل للطاقة ومزيد من الهدوء وحلول تثري نمط الحياة وترفع أسلوب معيشتك في منزلك المعاصر والذكي إلى حدوده القصوى… مهما كان خيارك من نوافذ الشتر

    المصنوعة من أجود أنواع الألومنيوم والمتوفرة بألوان متنوعة، فإن منزلك سيحظى بميزات عديدة في مختلف الأوقات، خاصة في ظل التقلبات الجوية التي يمتاز بها الخليج،

    وموجات العواصف والغبار التي تعصف بالمدن والأرياف على حد سواء.

    الخصوصية بحدودها القصوى
    لمزيد من الخصوصية، يمكنك بسهولة تحديد مقدار ما يمكن رؤيته من الخارج، ما عليك سوى فتح وإغلاق نوافذ الشتر خاصتك بالمقدار الذي تريده في أي وقت، سواء كنت

    تريد فتحها أو إغلاقها بالكامل أو تركها في مكان ما بينهما. وفي حال كنت تستخدم حلولنا للأتمتة والأنظمة الإلكترونية، ستتمكن من فعل ذلك دون حتى أن تكون موجودا في


    الحماية من أشعة الشمس
    لأشعة الشمس فوائدها الكثيرة ومضارها ومخاطرها أيضا في ذات الوقت، خاصة في أجواء كأجواء الخليج. يمكنك حماية عائلتك من هذه المضار الصحية بفتح وغلق ستائر

    الشتر بمرونة تامة وفقا لمدى ارتفاع الشمس في السماء، سيمكنك ذلك أيضا من إبقاء أثاث منزلك وفراشه وحتى ديكوراته ودهاناته بعيدة عن تأثيرات الأشعة فوق البنفسجية،

    والحفاظ عليها لأطول فترة ممكنة.

    تخفيف الضوضاء
    أنت تستحق أن تنعم بالهدوء والسكينة في منزلك، استرخ واحصل على نوم هادئ ليلا أو استمتع بأيامك دون أن تسمح للضوضاء في الخارج أن تزعجك أو تؤثر على تركيزك.

    نوافذ الشتر التي نقدمها يمكن أن تقلل من الضجيج القادم من خارج المنزل بمقدار 10 ديسيبل.


  3. ثنايا رؤية
    الريادة والابتكار في رفع مستوى الوعي بالصحة النفسية، وخدمة المجتمع على المستويين المحلي والدولي.

    سنواصل سعينا في مساعدة الأفراد والأسر بما يمرّ عليهم من ظروف، وأفكار، ومشاعر، وسلوك يصعب استعيابه وفهمه والتعامل معه. ثم دعمهم ونقلهم من ظلمات المشكلة إلى فسحة الحل. إلى جانب الشراكة الفاعلة محلياً ودولياً لتعزيز إنتاج ونشر المعرفة ودعم التنمية الوطنية.

    النزاهة والشفافية: نلتزم بأعلى المبادئ الأخلاقية، ونتعهد بالعمل بنزاهة وشفافية بما يحقق العدالة ويعزز الثقة والمصداقية.
    العمل بروح الفريق: نحن ندعم بعضنا البعض في عملنا من خلال التعاون والعمل الجماعي، ونثمن البيئة الصحية التي يخلقها هذا النهج.
    الريادة والتعلم المستمر: نحن ننمي روح الابتكار والمبادرة والتميز، ونطبق أفضل الممارسات العالمية في جميع أعمالنا، كما نثمن التركيز على نجاح المستفيد والرغبة الدائمة في التعلم المستمر وتبادل المعرفة بين المعنيين.
    فاعلية اتخاذ القرار: نحن ملتزمون أن تكون قراراتنا وخططنا مستندة إلى أدلة وتحليل، كما نلتزم بتبني نظم وإجراءات فعالة تتسم بالكفاءة.
    التواصل الفعال: نلتزم بتفعيل سياسات وقنوات الاتصال المتنوعة مع كافة الفئات المعنية المشتركين، الموظفين، الشركاء، الموردين، المجتمع المحلي والدولي.
    التفاني في سبيل المعرفة: نحن ملتزمون بتحقيق نجاح عالمي في مجال التعليم والتوعية بالصحة النفسية وتلبية حاجات المجتمع.
    - رفع مستوى الوعي بالصحة النفسية عبر دورات الكترونية برسوم رمزية ميسرة ومتاحة للوصول عند جميع المستهدفين في دول الخليج والعالم.
    - الوصول إلى أكثر من 1000 دورة تدريبية في مجالات متنوعة داخل إطار رفع مستوى الوعي بالصحة النفسية.
    - الحفاظ على الأسعار الرمزية لتمكين الجميع من الاستفادة من أي دورة في أي وقت.
